The benefits of becoming a shareholder

Interested in becoming a BIKE O & COMPANY shareholder?
Here are 4 distinct benefits of being a shareholder.

Advantage 1 of becoming a shareholder

You can receive stable dividends

We make it our basic policy to return profits in line with growth in our profit.
Our aim is to steadily increase the dividend per share.

Accounting period Fiscal year ending November 30, 2021 Fiscal year ending November 30, 2022 Fiscal year ending November 30, 2023 Fiscal year ending November 30, 2024 Fiscal year ending November 30, 2025
Annual dividend 15.5 Yen* 24 Yen* 30 Yen* 11 Yen* 11 Yen(scheduled)*
Interim dividend 5.5 Yen* 10 Yen* 15 Yen* 5.5 Yen* 5.5 Yen(scheduled)*
Year-end dividend 10 Yen* 10 Yen* 15 Yen* 5.5 Yen* 5.5 Yen(scheduled)*
Special dividend -* 4 Yen* -* -* -*
* Note: Effective June 1, 2013, the company executed a stock split dividing each share of common stock into 100 shares, and adopted a unit share system in which the trading unit is 100 shares.
Advantage 2 of becoming a shareholder

A Shareholder Benefit System is in place

BIKE O & COMPANY, Ltd. offers benefits to our shareholders as a way of showing our gratitude for their ongoing support, to increase the appeal of investing in our stock, to encourage long-term shareholding, and to share the appeal of motorcycles with our stock owners. (Number of shares owned: 100 shares or more [1 unit])

Description of Benefits
  1. 1A ¥30,000 Per-motorcycle Discount Coupon that can be applied toward purchasing motorcycles we retail (126 cc or larger [not valid at BIKE O Direct])
  2. 2A ¥10,000 Discount Coupon that can be applied toward a Partners Pack membership when purchasing a motorcycle (126 cc or larger)
    • *Note: Item 2 cannot be used by itself. Membership registration at the BIKE O website is required for use of the Partners Pack.
Advantage 3 of becoming a shareholder

You can participate in company management

By being able to attend General Meetings of Shareholders, BIKE O & COMPANY's most senior decision-making body, they can participate directly in the state of corporate management and planning for the future, while offering opinions and exercising voting rights.

Advantage 4 of becoming a shareholder

We provide you with our shareholder newsletter

In order to promote understanding of BIKE O & COMPANY, Ltd., we deliver a shareholder newsletter every half-year, with a concise overview of our latest news.

How to become a shareholder

Where should I do the procedures for becoming a shareholder?

Please purchase shares through a securities company.
It will be necessary to open an account with a securities company before making a purchase.
For details, please consult a nearby securities brokerage office, or a securities broker offering online transactions.

What is the minimum amount I can spend to become a shareholder in BIKE O & COMPANY?

Our shares are traded in units of 100 shares each.
So you can become a shareholder the cost of the share price multiplied by 100 shares. However, when the purchase is made, a commission will be charged, which will vary from one securities company to another.
Caution: Since stock prices fluctuate, please be sure that you check on the most recent share price before making a purchase.

What is the minimum amount I can spend to become a shareholder in BIKE O & COMPANY?

Note: Since our fiscal year ends in November, our dates of record for dividends are at the end of November and May each year.
Those who have made (executed) their purchases through a securities company by May 29, 2023 (two business days prior to the dividend date of record, excluding weekends and holidays) will be eligible for the interim dividend for the fiscal year through November 30, 2023, while those who have done so by November 28 will be eligible for the fiscal year-end dividend.