Messages from Management

At BIKE O & COMPANY, we aim for sustained growth under our corporate mission, "We create excitement the world has never seen before."
Our company was founded by the current President Ishikawa and current Chairperson Kato in 1994, and subsequently listed on the JASDAQ stock exchange in 2005 and the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 2006?the company transitioned to the Standard Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange following revisions to market segments in 2022.
On-site purchasing services for cars was already popular when the company was founded, but on-site purchasing services for motorcycles were still in their infancy. Under such circumstances, a social problem came to light, with motorcycles no longer capable of running being left around town or at people's homes, or being dumped illegally in mountain forests. So, we built up our on-site purchasing service for motorcycles in line with our vision of assisting customers who faced such dilemmas, resolving social problems, breathing new life into motorcycles that still have plenty of potential, and contributing to the overall growth of the motorcycle industry.
As a result of these efforts, the "BIKE O" brand has achieved broad recognition, even among those who do not ride motorcycles. Our core Motorcycle Business has expanded to a nationwide scale, and includes around 80 stores involved in purchasing and selling motorcycles around the country, three Contact Centers handling inquiries from customers, three Logistics Centers covering logistics such as inventory management and servicing of motorcycles, and some 1,000 employees working with us.
We have also honed our vision of being "Lifelong partner in the motorcycle lifestyle,"
which expresses our aim of evolving as a brand from "BIKE O for selling your motorcycle," the conventional stores that specialize in purchasing motorcycles, to BIKE O as a brand that offers a comprehensive range of motorcycle-related services, a brand that is known for offering everything to do with motorcycles.
We intend to make ourselves a company that further completes the satisfaction of each and every customer, earning the long-term support of most customers, and also creating a more abundant motorcycle lifestyle together with them.
Our corporate mission for sustained growth is stated as: "We create excitement the world has never seen before." We are aiming to become a life-design company that transcends bike life, to remain vitally active for 50 years and even 100 years from now.
Expanding to this extent was only possible with the understanding and support of our stakeholders, and I express my sincere appreciation for assisting us to achieve these results. I ask for your continued support going forward.
Akihiko Ishikawa President and Representative Director, Executive Officer