Management Philosophy / Corporate Credo / Charter of Corporate Behavior

BIKE O & COMPANY Group Charter of Corporate Behavior
We are aware of our company's social responsibilities, and behave as follows, complying with laws and regulations in addition to social norms.
- 1We will comply with laws, regulations and company rules, in addition to social norms in our business activities, and engage in competition that is fair, transparent, and free.
- 2 We will engage in active, effective, and fair disclosure of information regarding our business activities and their results as well as engage in constructive dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders.
- 3We will acknowledge the importance of environmental issues, and address them actively through efforts including reduction of GHG emissions mainly through the reuse business.
- 4We will develop and offer safe, high-quality services based on our superb technology and wealth of experience to raise customer satisfaction and trust.
- 5We will conduct management that respects the human rights of all people.
- 6We will respect employees' diversity, personality, and individuality, and ensure their health and safe working condition in all aspects of our business activities.
- 7We will contribute to societal development while also opening our eyes to a broader perspective on society and deepen our social interaction as a good corporate citizen.
- 8We will build an organizational crisis management structure for managing personal information and other information security and in preparation for natural disasters.
- 9We will oppose antisocial forces and groups that threaten the order and safety of civil life or corporate activity.
- 10We will acknowledge that the realization of this charter is our responsibility and build governance, raise awareness throughout the Group companies, and request understanding in our supply chain. In addition, in case an event that may damage the trust from society occurs, we will strive to solve it, find its cause, and prevent it.
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