To our individual investors
This information for our individual investors has been presented in an easy-to-understand way to help everyone better understand BIKE O & COMPANY, Ltd.
- What kind of company is BIKE O?About BIKE O & COMPANY, Ltd.
- What are the strengths of BIKE O?Business model, features and strengths
- What are BIKE O's strategies and future potential?Future prospects and growth potential

About BIKE O & COMPANY, Ltd.
Corporate Mission
We create excitement the world has never seen before.
We aim to be a life-design company that transcends the motorcycle lifestyle.
Business model, features and strengths
Maximizing the strengths we have built up in the motorcycle business, we will advance into new business domains to solve social issues through ESG management and more.


- Purchasing, sales, repair, servicing and import / export of automobiles and motorcycles, as well as parts and accessories
- Development, operation and maintenance of EC platform and website development, operation and maintenance
- Sales, repair, servicing, and import / export of bicycles, as well as parts and accessories
Fee-based automobile and motorcycle rental
- Non-life insurance agency business and life insurance solicitation-related business
- House-cleaning business, used goods sales and import / export
About our business
Becoming a life-design company that transcends the motorcycle lifestyle
BIKE O & COMPANY, Ltd. aims to be a company that will remain vitally active 50 and even 100 years from now.
Future prospects and growth potential
By converting to a user experience (UX) growth model by fiscal 2025, we aim to acquire the No. 1 share* in used motorcycles sales.
- *Sales volume = retail volume
The benefits of becoming a shareholder
You gain the right to receive dividends and shareholder benefits, and to be involved in company management through the General Meeting of Shareholders.